Wednesday 9 May 2018

OUGD604: Yearbook - Brief & Initial Research


Produce a concept for the Graphic Design Yearbook. The Yearbook will be a way to showcase the graduates from 2015/18, it should help to show off peoples work to future employers and as well it should give potential students an idea of what graphic design at LAU is all about.


  •  Making it more about the course and who we are as a year group as well as the work as many of the other books of this style can be very straightforward so consider what would make it something people will actually keep rather than something that normally has a short shelf life. 
  • This will be the last yearbook as the budgets will be cut next year when there are more courses across the university. 
  • The book will be seen at places like D and AD so it needs to stand out against other graphic design courses as this is an opportunity to get the course some coverage, which is good for our year. 
  • Present 1 developed idea/concept to the class 
  • Consider overall design, layout, style and think about how the book would be used once it is actually printed
  • GIFs to help so the idea better, as it can be confusing to talk about an idea with know easy to understand visual

In collaboration with Ben Cooper & Rob Harper we are pitching to undertaking the Yearbook for Level 6 BA Graphic Design. The audience is not just L6 Students, but it will also be distributed at D&AD, to prospective employers, but it is also a token we can remember these 3 years by. We all thought that this brief would be the best opportunity to work with professional printers and with a budget. As well as this the book itself would be seen by many people and this is something that would be very beneficial for all of us when looking for work after uni. The winner will be decided by the class so we have to present the idea to them and they will then vote for their favourite one so this will be very much about figuring out how to represent our yearbook through an interesting publication. 

Initial Research

Old Yearbooks
Quite generic, all quite difficult to open and structured in the same way - purely to show the work. They often did not lye flat, meaning it was difficult for the user to see the work properly hindering its full potential. A minimal cover approach has been opted for, showcasing a classically modern s

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