Saturday 12 May 2018

OUGD603: Fossil - Screenprinting

To print the t-shirts quickly and effectively, we chose to screen print the designs in a coral colour, selected as an adapted shade from the colour pallet.

Developed palette

The first mix of colour composed of mainly yellow, red and white with a dash of UV paint to give it a kick. We spoke to Mike in the print room who advised to go over the top with the colour, so we added additional UV pigment to give it the brightness the contemporary trend is demanding. 

Colour worked well although the front side screen was not exposed properly and the print was messed up. Due to the tight time frame and no clean screens available, we did not have time to re-expose the screen and reprint so made the most of what we had and adapted the design. If the time frame was larger, we would definitely reprint and potentially expand the collection of designs.

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