Wednesday 9 May 2018

OUGD603: Fossil Development 01

We discussed using the fossil Luke bought to make resist prints for the t-shirt design. We spoke to a girl from printed textiles who recommended Frottage printing, a type of relief printing which allows you to get clear outlines of the surface. This is a way to incorporate the physicality of the fossil into the design work.

After looking over Luke's research from September and reviewing possible ideas, we had a small critical with peers and discussed the above ideas. As fossils are considered very 'uncool' and palaeontology in general is considered quite old-man-y, incorporating contemporary fashion branding and styling for the final resolution may change perceptions of the field and encourage more young people to get involved.

The scans could be made into contemporary patterns, such as Marcelo Burlon or Braindead mixed with influences from Yorkshire Fossil's design. 

The final prints came out well with the texture of the fossil surface transferring really well. These can all be thresholded on Photoshop to create crisper, graphic effect. 

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