Saturday 12 May 2018

OUGD603: Balenciaga Branding

Logo evolution over time, visually changing to a taller, more slender typeface, maintaining similar x-height but reducing the width of the letterforms. Balenciaga are one key brand to change their logo in the contemporary fashion logo trends showing genderless structure due to the removal of softer feminine accents

- logos often becoming wider kerned 

- logo's becoming taller instead of wider

Mirko Borsche worked on a collaboration together with Gian Gisiger in the framework of the design of the new Balenciagalogotype. The aim was to create a new, simple, timeless logo as a contemporary version of the previous classic Balenciagalogo. The initial inspiration for the new design was the signage in a Paris metro station, which Mr. Gisiger and Mr. Borsche adapted to create a crisp new face for Balenciaga.
Balenciaga Packaging

Again a Parisian brand, showcasing a trend between the packaging aesthetic of Parisian labels maintaining the quintessential black on white branding aesthetic throughout most of its collateral.

Dust bags
Boxes with filling and shoe bags

Alternative packaging

Luxury comes from the colour contrast - any fashion person in the know would know that wasn't a regular shopper, further engaging in secrecy within the general market and acting as a cult brand

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