Sunday 13 May 2018

OUGD603: Lookbook Research

Whistles Lookbook

The look book design for Whistles relates to their clean brand aesthetic greatly. By utilising white space and confident image placement they further position themselves and the products on a luxury level, also mirroring the design of magazines and photo books. The tones within the colour pallet are always soft and consistently on-trend with the seasonal pallet within fashion. By taking on a cleaner aesthetic  I could potentially market it for sale and use it to position myself in such ways within industry as my work would be featured. 

Beat Newspaper

The Beat is a fashion, culture and music newspaper, distributed for free in Urban Outfitters and in-the-know places, their design style incorporates aspects of minimalism with contemporary graphics, hand written typography and elements of scanography to create multi-dimensional layouts. I find their use of mixed media really interesting and alternative within the graphics community, as most magazines (especially newspapers) can be formulaic and generic for the audience, lacking in raw creativity. 

Elements from all magazines and publications have informed my research some of the aspects i'd like to include within the look book, showcasing an me as a creative being still contemporary but also a bit different, doing things my own way and slightly more tactile.

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