Sunday 13 May 2018

OUGD603: Alec Newspaper - Summative Feedback

I asked Alec for feedback in order to help me understand what I did well in this project and my areas of improvement

“I’m really happy with the outcome of the design Jen has created, she showed great commitment to my project, taking the time to learn all of its context in order to produce a well-considered publication through sequence and design. I felt comfortable in letting Jen make decisions on how the images should be presented; she showed a strong consideration to the scale and layout of the images which is backed up with relevant research which informs her decision making. I enjoy the binding method and print stock of the publication as it communicates the subject of heritage impacting the modern landscape by displaying it with a contemporary outlook, acknowledging the concept I am portraying. Areas to improve could be to have a stronger focus towards rendering the quality of the large format through a choice in stock that doesn’t compromise the colour of the photographs; this could be done through more advanced printing methods and on higher quality stock. However, the effect achieved by the off-white recycled stock benefits the feel of a traditional newsprint, giving the publication a dated aesthetic which is juxtaposed with a contemporary grid system and layout.

- Alec Aarons

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