Wednesday 9 May 2018

OUGD603: Fossil - Development 02

Tshirt Research

Researching a mix of contemporary and more traditionalist t-shirt and clothing companies, focusing mainly on graphic tee's and up and coming brands for 2018. When analysing trends, often one designer can impact the whole field by creating an iconic design, many smaller companies and high-street stores can 1) easily copy and 2) saturate into the masses of popular culture through the printed medium. I focused my investigation around designs with repeat patterns, graphic placement prints or generally interesting compositions, bringing to life both image and typography with a stylish harmony.

Initial Typographic Investigation

As Luke is mainly focusing on typography, I wasn't too precious over typeface or kerning, however I did start to experiment with 'dad' typefaces, and ones which hinted to Jurassic park, the outdoors or were slightly aged and rustic in aesthetic. 


Type in an arch was inspired by sports team shirts, often being a symbol of comrade and playing outdoors; this design style is also synonymous throughout history, yet may not be contemrpoary or on trend enough.

Feedback from Luke:

Like 03 the best
Have a go at experimenting with typefaces
I could focus more on the styling/location/model scouting


Overall the feedback on both my initial ideas and Luke's were positive. It was mention that the idea and concept were strong however the designs lacked tactility, which is what is generally associated with fossils, rocks and the process of excavation. 

Similarly the designs were very basic in composition and content. The content pulled from digital imagery or books was good however was not my own and also after image tracing lacked detail. 

Feedback also questioned whether there was a way of finding other content to experiment with? Potentially using traditional print methods?

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