Sunday 14 May 2017

OUGD505: Sourcing Images

Seen as the target audience and distribution is predominantly aimed at Leeds College of Art for now, I feel its only necessary to use images from Leeds College of Art students, featuring as examples on the promo video. Prior to using any images I have made sure to contact the owners and get permission, as well as featuring the name of the creator as a role over feature. I sourced images from current social networks (including the LCA Collab page and instagram) featuring some of the highest quality work LCA has to offer as an incentive for users to get on board and possibly increase their working  standard too.

Harrison France, L6 Photo

Bonny Brey- 3D artist (Vis Com)

priyankaluxe (L6 Fashion)

Natasha Hind (Illustrator, L4)

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