Friday 12 May 2017

OUGD505: Targeting a problem closer to home (LCA Collaboration) - DEVELOPED IDEA

To encompass the identity and aid the product/range/distribution of the solution, a brand needs to be created to allow a defined identity.


Creating a symbol

As my primary target audience and area to solve is Leeds, I researched more into the history of the city (following from SB1), looking if any aspects of Leeds could go towards influencing the design.

Symbols & Runes (Viking & Nose)

Looking at Hand Gestures

International hand symbols- when greeting aliens, do the palm up one as that is apparently the friendliest symbol

Emoji hand symbols- more modern and familiar with the target audience. Going towards becoming an international language.


As appose to just having a symbol representing the brand, the inclusion of a holistic logo or accompanying logotype is an efficient way of communicating the brand to those who do not have previous knowledge of the symbol, possibly broadening interaction from web users. 

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