Monday 15 May 2017

OUGD505: Advertising Concepts


The distribution of the advertising content may impact the content and tone it possesses. 

Where will it be?: Online Website. App on the App Store/Android Store/ Stickers & posters/ 


- Playing on tinder inspiration and introducing subtle sexual references (cheeky wink etc)

- Taking peoples mind off the fact they're doing work and introduce fun elements, to get creativity flowing. From personal experience, something as simple as throw and catch (aka Game of Throw) is a great way to take a step back from the screen and interact in a more personal manor. These acts (if successful in boosting endorphines/creativity/generates ideas) will help build trust with the website, which is one of the key things to do according to UX researchers.

-Funny quotes from the current LCA Collaborations page to draw attention to how far it has come and is only really used for irrelevant and bizarre requests (e.g. Anyone got a white poodle for a shoot tomorrow?), by introducing the Collab word, it would bring the focus back to Collaboration and how this is now not an aspect the page fufills, yet then the user would find the solution (webpage) on the ad/poster/sticker etc.

Introducing the Platform

-This is Collab, the place to meet creatives...
-WE NEED YOU (may be cliche)
-Funny illustrations
-Featured work with logo over it
-Introducing collab <symbol> ... this can be repeated and alternated with a variety of different symbols,
-Holding sign around uni #CollabMe, posted for social media campaign
-Popular culture references, playing on humour and creating a light, engaging tone of voice targeted the audience, whom engage with this type of media more than any other age demographic. Leeds college of Art students are especially known for engaging with memes on social networks, sharing and creating their own to express funny things. This however may be too unprofessional and add the social aspect back into the platform I feel needs to be removed. The idea of a platform moving away from the superficial needs and passive consumption of pages like Facebook was met with a positive response in feedback, so to a-deer to the requests of the target audience this would not actually be appropriate.
-Call for submissions
- (wink/smile GIF) with accompanying visuals (video?)

-Attention grabbing slogans (e.g.: ART DIRECTOR needed'), drawing attention to the profession and appealing to general aspects many creatives (at LCA especially), feel like they have. By keeping something like this general, the target audience could be broadened, however it could also do the opposite and be too unspecific people do not engage as they may think 'what makes me the best for an art director role', whereas if their specific chosen specialism was introduced (e.g.: SET DESIGNER needed), then a deeper connection is made with the user touching on a much more niche area of the LCA student body. Those who do posses the skill of set design may feel 

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