Sunday 14 May 2017

OUGD505: D&AD Pencil Awards

When considering the brief asks for a growing understanding in the issues of the day, as well as the graphic works helping to combat it. The D&AD Pencil is an annual awards showcase, featuring groundbreaking professional work from all across the world. Whilst at the D&AD Festival I was lucky enough to see some of the work at the Truman Brewery on Brick Lane, allowing me to consider the experience innovation and protest presented in all forms of design. The commonality between all of the designs and examples shown that their addressing an issue in some way, similarly to the requirements of Studio Brief 02.
I felt that this would be a good opportunity for me to gather some visual research from award winners, observing the designs first hand.

Looking at car safety and new car distribution/usability across the world. Interesting poster making techniques.

Tackling the issue of women in the workplace, focusing on technology industries.

'Day off today, Just Chillin'

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