Monday 8 May 2017

OUGD505: Focus Group

Keeping in mind advice from UX designers, I considered the questions highly in order to maximise the target audience whilst I still had them. I wanted to ask open ended questions sparking debate, as well as finding out what are the key features, and how do they want to access them?

Would it be helpful to keep the current posting aspect to the page? 

e.g. people posting 'I NEED A MODEL TOMORROW' (but confined to a particular area on the page.)

- Yes, it would be good to have an option which filters the dross and flags the posts targeted at you.
- I'm always so much more responsive to a post if it says 'I need a Graphic Designer', because you know its aimed at you in some way
- Don't show all the information all the time, selected information could be selected based on project tags etc. but having a feature showing the full breadth of what people are posting would be useful as a full social platform. That way, when being online and around the computer with friends, you could possibly search for people who needed (e.g.: a set designer), as they had a friend with them, who is not yet currently a member, so by not having access to this information would be restrictive and limiting to the growth and helpful possibilities.

The current key features are Search, My Profile and WorkSpace, which include file sharing (inc creative cloud files), Calendar, Notes, set alerts, send alerts to team members, save and share collaborators, browse by category/browse pre-generated via location/requirement ... what else would you find useful? 

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