Friday 12 May 2017

OUGD505: Research Presentation

Most of Africa is about to reach a mass famine and worst humanitarian crisis since World War 2 - just like we did, they need help and fast. More specifically, Somalia, Somaliland and Yemen the worst effected, and we use to own and colonise two of these areas.

This is the largest international aid appeal since the united unions began, yet few people are aware of the severity, that up to 40 million people might not wake up tomorrow.

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Nearly 80 percent of disease in developing countries is linked to bad water and sanitation. Now a scientist at Michigan Technological University has developed a simple, cheap way to make water safe to drink, even if it's muddy, just by using simple table salt. Like everything else however, this is still in need of investment before the rewards can be seen
Money was raised for places like Ethiopia with Band Aid and later Live 8's

Britain use to rule Somaliand with 4.5million living in Somaliland today. There has been no rain in 3 years. The worst in 2 centuries. Despite this, there is only 1 hospital with 16 beds for all of these people with malnutrition, as education and these facilities have been wiped out because of war.

These regions should be the most rich in liquid in the country, yet where it should be harvest season all there is is only dust as a result of no rain fall in 3 years. The worse in two centuries! Just think about how common rain is over here?! We take it for granted and Africa is proof of how vital it is.

Livestock was the bedrock of the economy and society, yet 10 million have already died due to these extenuating circumstances. Help from the wider world and other food is needed or else there won’t be a Somaliland anymore- thats like loosing Ireland and all of its possibilities.

The absence of water is nothing more than an extenuating circumstance.. its a freak act of nature waiting on something so basic to arrive but it never does. That is not their fault. 

People who are unable to find food and liquid in the main towns, or cannot afford it are forced to drink dirty water and eat plant seeds, defying basic human rights. People relay on what little international aid comes through- reminding me a lot of the Hunger games, with us in the West being the sponsors in the city.

Nearly 80 percent of disease in developing countries is linked to bad water and sanitation. Now a scientist at Michigan Technological University has developed a simple, cheap way to make water safe to drink, even if it's muddy, just by using simple table salt. Like everything else however, this is still in need of investment before the rewards can be seen.

A guy on the internet called Jerome had the idea of the hashtag #TurkishAirlinesHelpSomalia, as they are the only chartered airline who provides flights to this region.

Ben Stiller and other celebs got behind the campaign and is sending 3 cargo planes full of food over, but this is not enough. What happens when those planes are empty? 

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Those countries looked very “normal” and free before the madness started.
War has no borders – if you let it grow, it spreads and consumes the world.

What will this war gain in 20 years? Our generation being reminded of the time we let millions of fellow humans die, when we have more than enough to save them.

Guy on the internet Jerome had the idea of #TurkishAirlinesHelpSomalia, as they are the only chartered airline who provides flights to this one E.A region.

Ben Stiller and other celebs got behind the campaign and is sending 3 cargo planes full of food over, but this is not enough. What happens when those planes are empty? 

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We have become so desensitised to images of starvation and war, it is questionable what does make people feel empathy or put their hand in their pocket.

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