Wednesday 10 May 2017

OUGD505: Ideas

Collaborative Networking Event

- The problem targets collaboration, more immediately looking at Leeds based creatives, so creating a networking event could solve this problem. It could host as a pop up feature within spaces such as The Corn Exchange, Munro House and places like The Brunswick who regularly put on art events in their top room. 

There are lots of informal arts get together held by creatives in Leeds, such as Goat Collective, Girls That Gig and at places of creative interest (Colours May Vary/Village Bookstore/Henry Moore Institute) more formal creative events take place. 

Taking on a persona of a curious creative, wanting to get more involved in the local creative scene but not knowing how, the first port of call really is to look online. The convenience of the online platform for consumers is huge, due to instantaneous information and convenience of delivery (web). These sites however provide little guidance or real creativity, nor reflect the real routes of creative collaboration- going and making work, and making friends who know more creatives etc, etc.

Website replacing the current website

A social platform to engage with other creatives, sharing work and making creative connections. This could be a platform for feedback and finding people to collaborate with on a more versatile, less restrictive platform than Facebook.

App for on the go collaboration

Using location services as a tool to find creatives near you, set alerts for when they need work and keep in touch with the creative job scene in the process. This could be restrictive to only those with smart phones however.

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