Tuesday 9 May 2017

OUGD505: East African Crisis

People who are unable to find food in the main town, or cannot afford it are forced to drink dirty water and eat plant seeds. People relay on what little international aid comes through- abit like the Hunger games??

When humanitarian crisis like these have arisen before, especially in Ethiopia, celebrities have intervened with Bob Geldof hosting World Aid, in an attempt to ‘feed the world’.

It has been proven that events like this are responded to positively by the British public, with hundreds of millions being donated.

Women, children and older people are suffering the most; more than 800,000 children under five are severely malnourished. Without immediate treatment, they are at risk of starving to death. If theres no help for children.. who will cary on the human race over there?

New settlements spring up in the middle of no where in search of liquid, with no doctors or educated people their to help them. Despite aid workers trying to help, it now costs aid workers £8,000 for a working visa! 900 access requests from aid workers which are blocked by the government officials. One can only question- why don’t they want to help their people?


Hard to focus on things outside our own experience. This issue is also at the other side of the world..  The neighbouring countries cannot help Somalia as they are falling into the same situation.. 40 million people on the brink of starvation.

Guy on the internet Jerome had the idea of #TurkishAirlinesHelpSomalia, as they are the only chartered airline who provides flights to this one E.A region.

Ben Stiller and other celebs got behind the campaign and is sending 3 cargo planes full of food over, but this is not enough. What happens when those planes are empty? 

The absence of water is nothing more than an extenuating circumstance.. its like waiting on something essential to arrive but it never does. That is not their fault. 

Nearly 80 percent of disease in developing countries is linked to bad water and sanitation. Now a scientist at Michigan Technological University has developed a simple, cheap way to make water safe to drink, even if it's muddy, and thats by adding Salt!.


Those countries looked very “normal” and free before the madness started.
War has no borders – if you let it grow, it spreads and consumes the world.

What will this war gain in 20 years? Our generation being reminded of the time we let millions of fellow humans die, when we have more than enough to save them.

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