Tuesday 16 May 2017

OUGD505: Feedback

After completing a range of brand possibilities and alternative designs, I reached a bump in the road and felt conducting a crit on what I have explored so far would be effective at giving more of a direction.

I printed off what I have done so far to gain feedback in a more tactile way, annotating logo designs and highlighting features of designs people found beneficial/not so beneficial, without constantly jumping back to the screen. 

  • Stickers to post around campuses
  • Posters
  • Uni Pack- distributed in tote bag, contains a lil booklet, some posters, stickers, 
  • Social media collateral (poster designs can work for this too, mock up an ad in Facebook screenshot template)
  • Instagram content- hands flashing COLLAB (this can link into the whole identity)

  • Tinder for collaborators makes so much sense
  • Easy to use but simple in design, don’t overcomplicate things
  • Interactive features can often seem overwhelming
  • Lots of pop ups are distracting and often annoying, keep any alerts relevant and predetermined by the user
  • Aspects changing colour with a scroll over can be really distracting, but using colour to colour code individual collaborators/projects would be useful 
  • “Collaborations are often stressful as you can never find the right person on your wave length”
  • Files are all low res when downloaded so to prevent IP theft

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