Wednesday 10 May 2017

OUGD505: Discussions 02 / Resolving a Direction

I participated in a walk around crit where I laid out questions on paper, in an attempt to gather additional research and direct my ideas further. All feedback was anonymous, yet predominantly 19-24 year old's, both male & female, heavily engaging in consumable news and information.

POSSIBLE ISSUE: Miscommunication in the media, both TV, print & online platforms, (links to fake news and the misuse of power).

1) Do you cross-reference information or often just take the platform (news, magazines, twitter's) word for it? I asked this to gather up general data, backing up or antagonising my view that people are evolving to see through more of the headlines we see.

  • Depends on the platform, the news yes. Not for Twitter, anyone can post anything. 
  • If the source is unreliable the information needs to be checked
  • Never- I am aware of the media bias and so have an antagonistic media opinion.
  • I often use twitter as a reference to serious news in papers and online. 
  • Twitter=more honest
  • Depends on the source
  • If facebook/buzzfeed- always rubbish.. If its the Guardian/BBC News its more reliable.
  • Never- unless a serious issue.
  • I usually only check the information if after reading it, it doesn't seem true. 
  • I always back up information by using very different sources to find truth in the media
2) Are you often pulled in by clickbait news or shock headlines?
  • Sometimes, depends on the nature of the headline but often mislead (fake) if I do follow
  • Sometimes, annoyingly, plague of the internet
  • Yes but only usually with films
  • Yes! if its relevant/impactful to me
  • Yes on Facebook, less so on newspapers as I don't trust them
  • Sometimes on Facebook I am, however I do get annoyed by clickbait
  • Football clickbait always gets me but I need to stop
  • Yes but I know it's shite
3) Would you feel confident in automated system, which acted as a flagger/corrector of fake news
  • Yes, but it would depend on trustworthiness
  • How would it identify if the news is fake?
  • No because I am too used to fake news all over my phone/laptop screens maybe promote the re-imporance of unbiased news
  • How would you know the news was fake? Would this be too late or everyone would only know it from other sources.
  • It might be more effective to have somewhere you can go for honest news: i.e.: specialist webpage
  • That would be a good idea and would help the issue. I would use it.
  • Yes but would be hard to check everything (complicated algorithm).
4) Would you watch/check the news more if it reported positive things?
  • 100% yes (x2)
  • No, news is suppose to give you the pure facts not a mood lift
  • Theres definitely an imbalance towards negative news
  • I don't mind as long as its news that I feel I need to know
  • Yes, I hate how depressing it can be, it needs to show all the amazing things people do!
  • No- 'happy' news isn't real. News needs to be truthful over everything else.
  • Yes!! Its important to have a balance between positive and negative.. honesty is what we need!
  • No, happy news is boring news. Don't want to turn into the US where they document everything irrelevant
5) Do/have you ever donated money to any internationally beneficial charities? e.g.: water aid? or charities in general?
  • Yes, usually a cash donation than bank transfer (x2)
  • No- I am conflicted about charities
  • Yes, but always using cash/spare change
  • No, not online but yes if I see the charities raising money in person
  • Yes, environmental groups and disaster relief organisations
  • Yes, spare change all the time
  • Yes to cancer research  
Summing up this information, it's clear the overall consensus is that fake news is one of those issues where trust needs to be built up, so an interface would also be questioned. 
This is turning into a much bigger project than planned, so due to time restrictions fulfilling a holistic solution to this, as well as instil trust in society, is very questionable.

Despite this, participating in the day crit gave me a good chance to narrow my direction, and get some target audience research into their views, the generation of fake news will always be a problem, and the discouragement other fiesable solutions to the issue being shut down suggests actually, there ruling force (bourgeoise and both 'publicly' and & privately funded media). The solutions such as HoaxBot and Google/Facebook trials are combatting the issue in a way I can only conceptualise, removing any real design.

I need to look at an issue closer to home which can be solved, if to fulfil my personal intentions of actually creating a piece of work which solves a purpose.

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