Friday 24 February 2017

OUGD503: Papryus Developments (5)

Initial Sketches from ideas generation

Exploring layouts using the 3mm brush as specified by Papryus. I continued three ideas stemming from feedback. The emphasis is on placing the control back in the users hands, giving them a sense of control and clear outlined perimeters to experiment with- as well as go wild and hopefully let out some inhibitions/ built up frustration.

'Anthesis Design 01'.. Starting squiggle on the page encouraging the user to just go mad, really colour the page in if they please or incorporate the initial line into a personalised design. I have only provided the starting point for their minds to become active.

Botanical leafy design, inspired by holidaying and escapism away from normal life. Often the anticipation/excitement of a something exciting is make or break, so giving those subtle connotations that better things are on the horizon is an important topic to consider when designing for people with depression/suicidal thoughts

Botanical meets Calm... introducing small polka dot inspired circle to add an extra depth to the original botanical style, as well as encourage the user to experiment more with colour- colour has positive links to positivity
Experimenting with circles as they have been said to have calming effects in research, with the fullness of the line providing a never ending entity and 'satisfaction'. The combination of multiple signifiers of calm with satisfying 1.5mm spacing surrounding each figure gives the user a clear path to follow in terms of colouring, as well as having enough white space within the circles for them to get creative if so wish. The design is meant to be freeing but allows the user to concentrate at the same time, with the use of tightly knit shapes.

With space for the text as requested by Papryus

Possibly unacceptable solution- use of graphic language to trigger a reaction from the audience (and hence, feeling of something other than wanting to die).

 Feedback after creating designs

  • Swearing may be a little much if the target audience is under 18
  • Botanical illustration style is soothing and reminds you of happy things like holidays- (optimistic qualities in this botanical style)
  • Typographic style should be more feminine if its a statement piece
  • Use of negative space to encase the subject works well
  • Simplify the illustration more so each one is slightly different.. the rigid lines touching the edge of the lead makes you (the user) want to colour it in separately.. or it will look weird and unblended which causes anxiety due to imperfections
  • Circles as a calming, whole entity is a good concept and looks very symetrical on screen
  • Botanical design news to be smoother.. leaves look too spiky so don't reflect the overall idea of calming
  • Spacial awareness and room to breath is important for target audience

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