Monday 27 February 2017

OUGD503- Brainstorming Ideas

After finding collaborative partners, we brainstormed as a group to decode the Monotype brief, as well as the whole meaning of 'culture', and what would be the most relevant and intriguing culture to focus on.


- Type as a reaction to society      - Ambiguous letterforms and symbols

- Culture changes within art and design culture         - Modernism / Postmodernism/ Futurism

- Ancient Languages                      - Changes within Graphic Design       - 3D Type

 - Culture is brown down to bourgeois and refinery, or reinvention and subcultures

- All the different cultures which make up one culture     - Be a political voice for a culture

- Past, Present, Future aesthetics: Past created with letterpress (as Monotype was the founder of letterpress), Present digitally rendered, and Future predictions of design trends, as a typographic interface or digital ad. We also questioned what will happen when 'the screen' becomes obsolete? Whats the next platform designers will find to communicate their message?

We have planned to meet again tomorrow (Fri 10th Feb), after all going away and doing research on/ finding inspiration from the topics we discussed in the first meeting. We are all looking into different aspects so to avoid an overlap and wasting time. This will allow us to distinguish our particular roles within the group, working collectively as we go. I am looking forward to working on new ideas and seeing what the group make of my take of the brief as a whole.

I have come up with a few idea's, based on the topic of culture, sticking to the Monotype brief. It is important to consider how subcultures can be represented through a predominantly typographic solution. 

In the initial brainstorm we discussed creating bispoque typefaces to integrate into the deliverables, so this is also something to consider. I have been researching the topic of culture extensively in COP lately, especially when it comes to social politics, anarchism and subculture. This links in well to the requirements of the brief with 'culture' being ever so open ended.

I have found:

- If culture is a scene influenced by music, fashion and art, an aspirational quality is placed on those less affluent to compete with those who can afford 'actual' culture.. the bouirjoise.

- Culture is the aspiration, but is accessible to everyone through music! 
- We identify with music and culture alike, so modern culture is something easily tapped into or even pinpointed
- Mods and rockers have own iconography
- Fashions and styles like skinheads or tattoo's
- Give culture back to the people (idea? Intergrate bold type within a public space like h is a chair)

Friday 10th Feb

After recapping on what we discussed yesterday, we brought our individual research together as a whole. Everybody has interesting visuals and facts found from research, depicting culture and typography. 

It shows how four people can have such different takes on the brief, which I am finding really refreshing as it forces you to be on your toes and on your game to constantly contribute something fresh and new.

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