Friday 10 February 2017

OUGD505- Footprint Talk on Sustainable Printing

As the Design Practice module is making us look at traditional printing, investigating the issues of sustainability and ethics within design. Footprint are a Leeds based company who have made a name for themselves as a sustainable printing company, hiring and empowering "punks, hippies and activists" to further carry the environmental values.

Workers co-op, set up by environmental activists in 80's as a way to generate money whilst still having involvement in their campaign. Footprint inherited a litho printer so naturally turned into a printing house, after the success of printing for activist purposes. Using lithography was slightly too much for them, especially due to how un-enviromentally friendly it is which went against company ethics.

Footprint diversified, purchasing a risograph printer (like digital screen printing). Things then became more environmentally friendly, which was a key. Currently, most of their work comes from political campaigns, artists, small businesses, eco-activists and self publishers. They print a lot of zines, and help Leeds Zine Fair as they class themselves as part of the Self publishing community, a further tool for emancipation.

Sustainable and successful as they have built up a client list which encourage repeat custom. Lots of work for bands, known within coop circle as ran by hippies and punks, especially prominent within the Zine community, printing all over the UK. 

They use 100% recycled paper, are on an ethical energy terrific, avoid the big 6 suppliers and only ship within UK to avoid carbon footprint increase. They also recycle everything they can and have a contract with another co-op who take care of any waste paper.

Big part of coop movement is cooperation and 1% of annual turnover goes to a tree charity, planing seeds to give back to the environment.The reason they can put such a strong emphasis on working sustainably and ethically is because they are a coop, they are owned and managed by the workers, meaning you're never doing something because someones told you to do it, you do it because its the right thing to do and it makes sense. Employee empowerment is a huge benefit of this.

Workers cooperatives came out of the labour movement after the industrial revolution and Tory government and worker exploitation. One way to gain respect was trade union by joined bargaining power, the other way was forming their own businesses at cooperatives. This gives them the power to run their own business, not aiming to make profits to benefit shareholders, or for yourself. Run democratically by the workers and users. Rochdale Pioneers created 7 Principles which still form the basic principles of cooperatives today.

The management is often elected, and treated like a worker. Or, everybody on any skill level has democratic involvement with decision making. All directors of the company, all decisions they make are on a consensus basis- for everyones benefit. All decisions have to be negotiated between parties.

Footprint don't have unpaid workers and they don't have internships as they don't want to use student labour for free. They pay themselves equally a living wage and for every hour they work, 50p goes into a donation pot to throw money at good causes when they want to!

 They did free prints for black lives matter, action for trans-health etc as a way of giving back to the community and supporting good causes. Another ethical consideration from Footprint is they can turn work away that they don't agree with- wether this is the content of what is being printed or the company's morals as a whole. Also, if any one person doesn't like the content then none will print it. They have said no to sexist/homophobic content, and even no to meat advertising as there are some vegetarians on the team. Don't want to be affiliated to any particular party so don't print for any of them.

There is a 10% discount for other coops as default to encourage cooperative growth. Also give at least 10% to any grass route company. Everyone in the team knows what its like doing your own work, including self publishing, so are really understanding along the journey. They are tere for helping people realise what they want to print. Affordability is part of Footprint ethos and they are slightly below average for riso-printing, with longer runs working out so much cheaper.

Footprint often travel to zine conventions all over the country, offering a 'zine in a day' where they take all their equipment, get everyone to contribute a page and sell them all at the end of the day. Good way to feature everyones work and make a bit of money. Love not money job.

Without social media Footprint would have a lot less business than it does, FB for event pages and promote causes they are interested in. Instagram houses all the pretty work they print to entice new business. They also host websites, taking a further emphasis of print waste.

Their studio/office is in a basement of a housing coop in Chapel town, meaning they don't pay rent nor expand, meaning they cannot stretch themselves too thinly anywhere or grow out of their roots. This sadly means they cannot expand, but means they have to stick to their values and not get drawn in by the idea of capitilist expansion. Another benefit is a really low staff turnover. Being a coop puts everyone on even grounds, meaning there is no 'boss' structure acting as a demotivating factor.

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