Sunday 26 February 2017

OUGD503: Papryus Resolution+Submission (6)

Redefining the botanical look to create a smoother effect, reflecting calm but encouraging the idea of escapism and optimism through signifiers.

Started off with two leaves, asked for feedback and was told to simplify the design. In situ the illustrative size will be much smaller, so removing some of the inside detail may be a beneficial tool, however the aesthetic quality with the current lack of line incision with the middle part of the leaf creates a messy effect- the opposite of the organised chaos I feel is necessary.

Trying to create a calmer, more specially aware resolution

Adding detail and Need to create a more fluid composition so the user can properly engage with the piece and all lines adjoin

Experimenting with adding a section for information

The incorporation of an additional element to the design needs to be subtle and inkeeping with the composition and perimeter of negative 'calming' space..

Experimenting with a floaty leaf in the top corner- does not look effective or well executed, this inaccuracy within the design will cause stress rather than mitigate it.

Looks too much like a sun- furthermore the leaves will not wrap around the circle fully so looks unfinished which can cause anxiety- so also no good

Incorporating a hollowed out leaf with subtle detail inside.. the space is enough room for a few sentences to also contain negative space

Incorporating the circular aspect again which people in the crit said was beneficial- the whole circular entity almost acts like a sun hovering over the design, further relating to the botanical topicality and escapism/utopianism I want to create through the design.. The solid line structure and double exterior for shading allows the viewer to colour further, as well as having enough space for any inside information to still be legible.

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