Thursday 9 February 2017

OUGD503: Key Elements of Collaboration


Defined as a CSM research project.

Work with different skill sets

They key element of collaboration is motivation. In order for a collar to succeed, everyone needs to feel they are gaining from the practice and they are doing a meaning full thing contributing to the end result.

In order to find the right collaborators to work with, the project needs to be communicated clearly. Giving information about the project

Collaboration benefits from a wide range of skills and expertise in the pool of participants. A diverse group f participants is often the best way to ensure that this is achieved.

What brief
what do we want to achieve
what does the client want to achieve
this will help define rolls

Be flexible with the ownership of ideas. This does not mean a team shouldn't give credit to individuals if credit is due, but any issues of ownership of ideas or concept need to be agreed on at the start.

The support of other collaborators is in the process is important, especially in the times of unforeseen difficulties  Need to work on the basis of trust and if one person needs support, that support is available. If someone isn't doing work then they may not feel empowered, so this is part of the team to make everyone motivated and pick up work where necessary. Get them involved even if they cannot make it to a certain meeting, via Skype etc, so be lenient about peoples personal lives.

The group must be able to solve problems together. High tolerance for uncertainty is needed when a project changes direction or something does not go as planned.

Constantly seek feedback and work from that feedback as a team.

What is my motivation for undertaking collaboration??

-Stepping outside of my comfort zone
-Increasing my interpersonal practice skills, working to tight interim deadlines we set ourselves
-Problem solving and contributing ideas to benefit the team
-Increasing the quality of the outcomes execution
-Working with other people I wouldn't necessarily think to work with (e.g.: Illustrator or Animator) rather than Photographers and Business Analysts

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