Thursday 9 February 2017

OUGD505 Design Practice 2 (Interpreting the briefs)

"Graphic design is an ongoing examination/conversation between the dynamics of personal exploration and professional practice" - Matt Owens, Volumeone.

Work must have personality and tone of voice. must be evidencing conceptual research and specialist knowledge to do well. Much more academic then just completing the Studio briefs.

Professional level communication and presentation.

Social and cultural awareness

-Develop specialist knowledge of individual design practices

-Develop independent approach to the investigation of self determined solutions



Studio Brief 01

"Public Spaces in Leeds"

The uses and [sometimes] abuses of public spaces to much to communicate the identity of a city.

Research the various events and happenings that have occurred in Leeds and helped shape the city, then choose one that will become the focus for an A3 traditional print that celebrates this event. You can choose any event which organised or impromptu but it must be celebratory in tone.

Consider various techniques and their suitability for conveying and re-enforcing your message.

A3 analogue print of something relevant to the shaping of Leeds

Forms of analogue processes:

Screen print / Darkroom / Lino Print / Letterpress / Laser cut resist print/ Embossing / Debossing / Foiling

Studio Brief 02

"Product Range Distribution" 

Examine Graphic design outputs relating to social, political and ethical change. Aim to increase your awareness of historical examples.

Body of research work exploring these concepts and their responsive design outcomes prior to your own practical and conceptual exploration of possible outcomes.

So.. identify a problem.. then research it. We are being given the freedom to create our own brief and design subject to further research, in order to produce a resolved outcome- despite the brief being written in a confusing way.

Part 1 

Investigation of a specific subject. Research a range of primary and secondary sources.

Body of research about an issue of concern, which I have an interest in as a practitioner. This will be presented in the pitch as the 'problem' and explain why you have chosen to respond to it.

Part 2

Produce a body of practical work that distills your knowledge of an identified issue and demonstrates your ability

Issue led campaign - poster series - booklet - publication  - manifesto  -  web/digital

Explore the relationship between product range and methods/media of distribution as well as specific audiences, contexts and appreciate tone of voice.

Initial Research:

- Why city flags may be the worst-designed thing you've ever noticed, Roman Mars, TED Talk

Outlining the importance of city and state flags within everyday society. They have the power to lead movements, define a population and unify the people. Good flag design needs to obey by the universal design rules, as well as being visually strong with symbolic representation. Keep it simple, Use meaningful symbolism, Use 2-3 basic colours, No Lettering or Seals, Be distinctive (or be related)

- '100 Ideas that Changed Graphic Design' by Stephen Heller and Veronique Vienne, by Laurence King Publishing, 2012.

This book gives a clear and concise into some tactic's which have been used, created and exploited by designers for commercial and social needs. Some techniques which particularly stand out to me, which have connections with social and cultural impact.

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