Thursday 9 February 2017

Investigating YCN

YCN is a curated creative network, Est 2001. Their members see a huge role in creativity and the work we do. They are based in Shorditch at an old illustration house, housing an event space and office.

The individual members range from illustrators, animators, filmmakers, designers, photographers etc etc. YCN provide professional support on how to tackle the industry when you first get started, ranging from distribution and pricing, to portfolio development's and inspiration.

"Above the call of duty". Helps nurture talent and style, always encouraging new things. Introducing new people and new ideas.

YCN introduce you to quite a few clients, as well as a recommendation from YCN goes a long way in the professional world!


Brands get involved with YCN. They range from Converse, RedBull, Lush, The Guardian, Oliver Bonas and even Greenpeace. They help these brands in numerous ways, including insights and intelligence (research, working with a creative director exploring what they are being influenced by at the moment). YCN feedback reports, digital content and events to support their idea's, as well as sourcing creative talent, putting contacts in touch with illustrators or branding professionals.

"don't be closed off from external things"

Companies discuss their creative strategies and turn to them to source collaborative partnerships and freelancers, and YCN feeds back the artists they will be interested in.


Larger agencies and smaller with a creative niche. Connect them with new clients, editorialise the work they do. YCN work closely with teams, focusing on professional and personal development within agencies. This learning can range from public speaking to management skills and tactics, or even explaining and teaching other things- like introducing digital into charity work.

YCN Student Awards

Wide range of briefs, including illustration-led, digitally-led or campaign-led. All are providing engagement with the outside world.

"forward thinking brands" who address a problem, asking students to create the innovative solutions.

Can lead to internships or other opportunities, as well as meeting the sponsors

Work gets exhibited at The Barbican, as well as published in the YCN Annual distributed through education environments and creative partnerships.

Needs to be executed really well, but also huge value to getting the concept down on paper and the thinking which lead you to it. What market research did you do? Is the product in your hand? Have you done competitor research? Highlight these things!! Talk about things which didn't work, other developments which may be favoured you may have dismissed. Why did you pick your method of design? Why is it tangible? Why is it digital? Why is it print? Why is it animated or why is it still?

Encourage students to read the brief, look at what the intended outcome could be. However, if you think that something else would add potential to the brief, then do that to- even if it isn't asked for by the company.

Looking for someone going the extra mile. The more information you can gather on that brand then the better!

They select brands which have a charity focus, they want the briefs to represent the kind of challenges the students will work on when in industry. They want the larger brands to feel accessible, working with all the different sectors. Interesting brands which genuinely value creativity, who's briefs and ethos can excite us (the students).

Looking for forward thinking responses.. digitals now.. whats next??

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