Tuesday 28 February 2017

OUGD505- Appropriation

fountain by Marchelle DuChamp (urinal), associated with the DaDa movement but also futurists and surrealists.. real fine at thinker of the modernist period

takking things from mass culture every day and positioning it as a fine art work

This then became a regular practice within art and visual culture

Mona Lisa- L.H.O.O.Q

Drew a goatie on her- 'SHE HAS A HOT ASS' translation

piece  of common art from a gallery and re-appropriating it for our own needs

Hannah Hoch

dada movement associated

created these exciting an energetic collages using newspaper collage, catalogues and pioneered this form of approach

Alternative approach to creating artworks

very experimental- very progressive fine art modernist movement

Raoul Hausman- another collage artist associated with the Dada movement

Herbert Bayer also used collage, yet created the images he used. The dada movement was reappropriating pre-created arts to bring the arts back into the peoples hands and relm, almost an 'anti-art'.

Richard Pettibone (1968)  - 'Andy Warhol Maralyin Monroe'

5 1/4 " compared to Warhols huge sizes.

Using images from Mass Culture and chanhing them

via screen print, re-painting or re-appropriating..

Roy Litchenstein

Re-appropriating the appropriated work

the Dada movement was really questioning what fine art was doing in terms of popular and mass culture, examining it in more detail and highlighting further issues and questions

Elaine Sturtevant (1973/2004)

Shepherd Fairy had to go through courts about plaigerism of the images in the Obama 'Hope' image

Graphic Design opperates much more within the issue of copyright and commerciality, it is important to understand who owns the IP of what you create

Appropriation could be a really powerful technique- relates to mass culture or powerful reference to a perticular concept (life and death) (celebrity)

David La Chappelle 'Amanda as Warhol Maralyin'

Using vibrent approach to photography and clever uses of makeup, to reanalyse these things but within the context of photography

Noone can say it is a direct copy, he approprates the style and vernacular quality witihin Warhols images

Sherry Levine- main player in postermodern conceptual photography

photographed Walker Evans's origionals calling the series after Walker Evans (Alabama tennant Farmer 1939)..

she comments on the themes of author ship and a desire to domocrotize images, as well as picking up on the prominenet title 'MEN' within Walker Evans origional work

Michael Mandiberg- Untitled (AfterSherryLevigne.com/2.jpg) (2001)

Questions the use of fine art images within the space of the internet- free download of Sherry Levingne/Walker Evans and comes with a 'certificate of authenticity', reffering to the re-approriation after re-apprioriation

Walker Evans saw it as copyright infringement and Levine donated them all to Walker Evans' estate- not for money but for making the message about authorship and authenticity .. as well as what art can be

Appropriation in Fine Art

To question authenticity and authorship

To question what art is or can be

To investigate process and making

To question the value and meaning of mass culture

Tracy Ma - Matter Zine

exciting pproach using appropriation in a massive way

Her approach combines cheap playful typography as well as approaiting images from various sorces and popular icons

It shows how you can use these images, harness their power or twist their intended meaning

Always twists to political power and money, using the images as a juxtaposition with reinforcement

Lots of covers for Bloomberg Business Week, using forms of collage as well as physical elements

Cultural Appropriation

Tends to be used when considering fashion, inpertcularly the Western society using symbols of cultures, religious signifiers, races and other things from different counaries

Katy Perry appropriating a Geisha- sacred in Japaneese culture. No real appreciation of the real culture.

West absorbs all cultures into its capitilist web

Sanna Hamid, 2013 photography series

Use of bindi as cultural approation and gets the models to discuss why they think its okay to approriate this icons

GiGi Hadid for Vogue Arrabia

Featured in traditional muslim attire (1/4 palestinian only connection)
Meant to be a celebration of these cultures but come over alot of fire as a 'westernized version'


Banksy- 'Kate' (2005)

Politicized comment on celebrity, using the Warhol template transposed into contemporary culture

Adbusters- Absolout Impotence (anti-adverts)

Questioning the legitimacy of various brands

'Obsession' Calvin Klain'

Poking fun at calvin cklein, the fashion industry and body confidence issues as a whole

How much can you acheive in addapting the same mode of communication every time? Still perpetuating the instintantious (little engagement) way of reading work

Jamie Ried- album cover artist- ultura left wing

Bonnie and Clyde (God Bless Agnes Dyen, 2011)

God Save the Queen (swastica eyes)    / Poster and prints for the sex pistols

Used as the template of punk- shame it is the only represntation of punk visual culture whcih has lasted. Graphic design for punk bands in the US is a very different vencaular experience whereas Jamie Ried used the Dada approach of quick, rough, cutting and paste images taken from mass culture- exciting as protesting against establishment which is clearly communicated in his designs


Loose their origional meaning through reppropriation

Stranger Things- typeface is a direct lift from Stephen King book cover typography, with the series as a whole referencing pastiche

Poster is a pastiche of Star Wars, Indianna Jones, composition of main characters in action

Stranger & Stranger packaging for Ludlow Blunt, products for Brooklyn Hair Company

whole approach referneices victorian-esq typography, lettering and layout, selling its rusticness and decrotiveness.. much more eleborate and decorative than the actual typography of the victorian type.. but all the codes are there.. they are just changing and coding it to connote their proper messages

Task: Using re-appropriation create new pieces of design from magazines etc, forming a new meaning

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