Monday 27 February 2017

OUGD505- Studio Brief 02 Feedback 01

1)    Misuse's of Power

When the Oscars comes around on Sunday, there may be so many anti-Trump speeches they may need an award for the best one. This year, perhaps more than ever, the ceremony will be about who says what as much as who wins what and who wears what. Meryl Streep started the wave of political speeches at the Golden Globe Awards, and keen favourite to win, Natalie Portman is likely to continue in her footsteps. "If she wins, perhaps she will repeat a speech she gave to a Women's March in January, in which she thanked Mr Trump for starting "the revolution". This was a reference to the fact he has galvanised a new movement demanding greater respect and opportunities for women.

Donald Trump's regime to unbalance gender equality, and essentially put women back in the kitchen has caused outrage worldwide, most notably on US soil where masses of Womens Marches have taken place. Katy Perry, Drew Barrimore, Charlize Theron, Adriana Grande and many more have attended such protests, with many strong women standing up for themselves and women as one.

Speech by Natalie Portman at LA Women's March, thanking Trump for 'Starting the Revolution'. 

The state of US womens right movement in 2017, is almost shadowing the necessary actions of the suffrages movement almost 100 years ago. The Suffragettes naturally started a whole new revolution of free speaking activist women. It is clear, almost 100 years on the 'freedom' we have earned and fought for is in threat- for the next 3 3/4 years at least. 

"We need to take inspiration from nature, and remember that we hold the mystery of life, and the seed of every possibility within our bodies," Portman said. "We need to demand freedom from fear over our bodies and control over our own bodies."  

"In order to effectively do so, we must seek leadership positions, and support other women who do the same. Until we make it normal to have at least half, if not more, of our leaders be female, we will be serving, and with our taxes financing, a government that believes it's within their domain to make decisions for our future," she continued. 

"Thank you all for being here, and for showing our power to the world, and thank you to the wonderful men, who show us that women also have many champions and compadres. Now, from the bottom of both hearts beating inside my miraculous female body, I want to thank our new president. You just started the revolution," she concluded her speech, powerfully raising her microphone in the air.

This defiant symbol of power, made by pregnant Natalie Portman, is just one in a long line of Portman standing up for what she believes in! 

 Somewhere between 3.3 million and 4.6 million marchers made their presence known across the United States, yet no arrests were reported at the largest protests across the nation in Los Angeles, Washington D.C., New York, Chicago or Seattle. According to political scientists from the Universities of Connecticut and Denver who are compiling a mammoth spreadsheet, listing march turnouts from the roughly half a million that demonstrated in Washington to the single protester who picketed Show Low, Arizona.


In my opinion, Trump is acting like a spoilt child who wants to have the most of everything, be the best at everything, and have eternal praise despite not being deserved or earn't. However, due to the position of power Trump is now in, the threat of a nuclear arms race is a terrifying thought- if Russia, Korea or other superpower
country responded, we are well on the way to World War 3- a war noone would make it out of.

London's first 'alt-right' art show met with protest 

Anti-fascist protesters are calling for the closure of a London art gallery which has been accused of showcasing neo-Nazi artwork and hosting openly racist speakers.

LD50 Gallery recently hosted an exhibition about the so-called “alt-right” movement – which unashamedly supports Donald Trump and has been accused of racism, white supremacy, anti-Semitism, misogyny. Other have claimed it shares an ideology with far-right parties like the French National Front. 

The gallery in the trendy east London suburb of Dalston, has been accused of providing a platform for fascist, neo-Nazi and Islamophobic speakers and individuals who promote white supremacy and eugenics by the Shut Down LD50 campaign.

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