Friday 24 February 2017

OUGD503: Papryus Brief- Ideas (04)

Initial Ideas

When considering the breadth of the target audience, some peers and I participated in a small focus group brainstorming idea's on what is the common factor between the 'young'. We concluded on Facebook. Despite the older generation still use Facebook all the time, young people use it to share funny video's, pictures and memes. The integration of memes into GIFS used on other 'young' social media platforms, such as Snapchat (who's target demographic is 60% of users are under 25, and nearly a quarter (23%) have not yet graduated from high school). 


 To turn to colouring as form of therapy, the tension in the suffers head will be expanding to a point they cannot think clearly, just a one track mind. To get the inference off negative thoughts, drawing something with more positive connotations, or even something more primitive and safe would subconsciously calm and sooth the mind. However, if aimed at Adults, a childish illustrative/ subject approach would not be appropriate as it does not appeal to the target audience, some may even find it patronising and won't engage with the book as a whole fully because of this. 

Where will the book be distributed?

In stores within the UK and sold/distributed mainly online.- Map of England (or the world), colour in sections in big bold block strokes

Target Audience

The target audience guidance by Papryus is 'young suicide'. I looked on Papyrus's website and they cater for everybody, both children and adults. By the term 'young', one would assume this means a broad age range from 18-28. Despite over 21's classifying as 'adult' rather than 'young' everywhere else, in some mindsets you can often still feel younger than you are, a contributing factor to not feeling like you are far enough in life as you should be. This is a contributing to factor to mental illnesses, such as Depression therefore is something to keep in mind.

Other commonalities were, they will all be in a messy head space when completing the design. As easy irritation, numbness or being overly anxious are also present in that time, intricate detail will be soothing for concentration, yet could become frustrating if a part of the pattern feels like it's going on forever. If the feeling of completion is reached in little sections, this will encourage the user to continue with the interaction. 


To discuss the ideas I spoke to a wide range of peers, asking for feedback and guidance on how to handle this sensitive issue. The people I was speaking to had all suffered from mental health issues in the past, so can understand the brief better in some way. 

It was raised that the target audience should be broadened from a 23 age cap, to 26; as when you consider life (living until 90+), your 20's is still a really early point in your 'life' so is still identifiable in some way is 'young'.

After discussing the ideas in abit more depth, I asked if swearing was a pressure reliever in anxious/stressful situations..
'Swearing relates to less aggressive behaviour, even texting to a friend or ranting and swearing just does something for the brain'

Sometimes it can but sometimes swearing can make people feel uncomfortable 

Concept/Re-written brief:

- Create a design which encourages change in the mindset of the individual, using parts of their brain often clouded by depression

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