Sunday 5 February 2017

OUGD503- LCA Promotional Stand (03)

Ideas - (Decoding what is special about the BA (Hons) Graphic Design program at Leeds College of Art.)

The centre focus needs to communicate 'the best social/cultural aspects of studying at your University/College'.

It is worth noting that Display Wizard is a Preston based company, which possibly swayed the judges to go for Blackburn's entry. The judges are composed of graphic designers and design professionals from the Display Wizard team, so it needs to appeal to what they think the target audience wants; as well as appropriate design considerations for our program's niche.

I created some mind maps of program specific 'best bits', as well as looking at the course description on the website. It is good to have a clear idea of our course within the market so we can promote BA Graphic Design appropriately. 

As well as my own views on LCA, I asked others what they think to get a better understanding. I asked both course-mates, people from other universities and non-designers to form an all round view. In the ideas generation process, here I thought that using the new title 'Leeds University of the Arts' could future proof the design, meaning it doesn't go out of date this year. However, that could be risky as the brief may not cater for that? I will get some feedback from the tutors and possibly ring Display Wizard (from my Preston-coded home phone) to decide on a title from there.

From these ideas generations, I have learnt that the course is quite trend aware and modern in thinking, focusing on a studio environment and encouraged interaction with other creatives. An encouragement is given into own creative practice, with easy access to feedback to better your design. 

As the target audience will be both design-enthusiats (the judging panel) and Level 3 Further Education students, mainly those focusing on Graphic Design or the creative courses as a whole. Often people will be undecided on what course they want to do (I know that I switched last minuet onto this program), so the aspirational draw needs to be there one way or another. 

The previous winners design was quite trend orientated, focusing on an eye-catching, busy and bright technique. I have my own personal queries if that award was given for the right reason, but the design decisions and reasoning is worth noting anyway.

LCA Benefits...

  • Culturally, the program is non-discriminatory and encouraging to all walks of life. Leeds College of Art contain a high amount of international students, and the Graphics program certainly has a diverse mix of ethnicities, genders and backgrounds. The program is inclusive of everyone, with the tutors making equal effort across the board. 

  • Socially, the Student Union hosts a wide rage of events, with the Graphics program getting its own mixer event shortly. This is an attempt to unify all three year groups further, getting familiar with each others work and styles to promote collaborative practice.

The website and promotional video are the first things 'prospective students' will see, so that will feature in their memory when remembering which uni was which. 

Leeds College of Art always include the same hexagonal pattern into all of their marketing collateral. This includes the website, video transition overlays, print distribution and prospectuses. With this, I know thats an integral part of communicating LCA, if only in a subtle way. After observing the brand guidelines, it seems relevant to incorporate this motif as it is not something LCA will be moving away from any time soon.

Furthermore, considering the graphic design course as its own entity, it could definitely be argued that an overarching modernist agenda informs the work we as students produce- a favour towards Swiss Moderne 

Trends and Visual Inspiration:

'Designer Amine Ghorab’s sleek portfolio of projects for Musicians', found on Its Nice That

When looking at a range of sites, I found this promotion series on Pinterest, using a hand rendered overlay, effortlessly incorporating bursts of colour. As I know I am quite colour shy, this could be a good idea to incorporate a colourful hexagonal composition in a mist of modern typography.

The centre box on the Display Wizard template is perfectly square, with the edges then folding round to eventually be out of site. 
However, if a centred design like this was to be incorporated to the square template, it could look quite 'super-hero' or really brash and in your face due to an immediately prominent position. 

The rule of thirds and other design techniques will need to be considered so the curved banner works as a whole, having a nice flow to it. It wouldn't be appropriate to have an overtly arty approach either as our program has a stronger emphasis on communication, as does the purpose of a banner.


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