Thursday 23 March 2017

OUGD503: Greenalls Submission + Evaluation

The Greenalls Gin brief has been the most gruelling and soul crushing experience of my life on this course so far. After doing SO much work for this brief, circumstances have led to the original work being erased so cannot visually show. I have conducted three photoshoots, created an eCocktail publication and done extensive research and analysis into Greenalls, into the design aspects and into contextual research. The design of the final outcome WAS so much better, however after spending so long working on the the file, something occurred when saving meaning when I exported (what I thought) was the finished PDF, it was actually an old version and all my work had been lost. Prior to experimenting with photography and type for social media, I had redesigned a whole Greenalls tent digitally, incorporating aspects of World Gin Day branding. As I am a complete idiot, I managed to also save the only copy to my hard drive- which got broken and lost alongside all of the studio shot images. 

I need to learn to make multiple different copies and not be such a stupid idiot in the future with regards to everything I do- every single part of this brief has been done at least 3 times.. including the blogging and analysis.. I even managed to delete a whole blog post which which broke down all of my ideas, yet due to time restrictions I didn't have time to write it up into more detail. This brief has been at the front of my mind since October. I have visited different Gin distilleries in London, Leeds, Liverpool and Manchester for contextual research and conducted interviews with the people working there (which has also been lost due to corrupt hard drive). 

I am not satisfied with the outcome of this brief, nor do I feel I have achieved my intentions of actually doing work which will change something. I have really really tried with this brief, yet due to the way my head is at the minuet every time I try to add to it, I either loose the work due to stupidity or delete it accidentally.  If I could do this brief again I would take things much slower and more rationally, seeking more feedback to direct my ideas and what deliverables they would produce. I would also be more careful when saving/storing work hence making these mistakes.

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