Sunday 12 March 2017

OUGD503- Resolving Ideas

3 Ideas

- representing tattoo's as a positive thing, intending to change perceptions targeting mainly an older, working B1 demographic. 

- exploring ancient tattoo typography visually, as well as incorporating traditional patterns and historically referenced tattoos

- digitally manipulating monotype typography onto the body, suggesting that you can get anything on your skin-why not promote one of the monotype beauties?

We prepose a fully inclusive campaign spreading across the origins, present and possible future of tattoo's, whilst touching on Monotypes deliverables.

Tattoos are misunderstood and misrepresented as a culture of its own, they are unifying to those with and intriguing to those without.

Tattoos within older culture is often associated to gangs, criminals and outlaws- so negative connotations rein within some audiences. Today subcultures and ordinary folk are revolting and saying its totally okay to express yourself on your skin and there is nothing bad in doing so. More professionals and older people are getting tattoo'd than ever before, and research into the tattoo industry today shows the stigma is changing.

The Audience

Those currently influenced by negative feedback and the past of tattoo's, (closed minded individuals who need to accept the world is changing and becoming a much more expressive place). Often B1 bracket, working in an office job/were conforming for professionally is neccesary. These people may be quite anti body modifications or even against the descendent subcultures of tattoos

Distribute around office areas and within commuter publications- no point in preaching to the converted (those with tattoo's or more accepting millennials growing up around shows like LA Ink )

Tone of Voice 

Accepting, unifying and allowing you to express you

No judgement and no hate... join the conversation

We want to portray the message that you shouldn't be judged by what is on your skin yet address issues and preconceptions society has with them. Essentially, people's tattoos shouldn't be looked down on. As we don't know many fully inked people, we thought it would be interesting to recreate specific tattoo's to put onto the skin. There are a few ways we could do this, such as using a projector, using painting on designs, stick on letters or letraset and digital manipulation in post production.

Origins and history
-old American style
-prison and gangs

-Tattoos in the workplace
-Negative space

-expressing yourself with ink
-'use your voice'
-Don't hold back

Production method of the required deliverables:

The photographs we produce in the studio beneath recurring and eye-catching text

Digital element
A video element to work alongside the photographs where we scope in on the tattoos we have created and animate them to work for our brief.

Other touchpoint
Physical interaction in a public space, people could draw tattoos onto themselves or others. Could also recreate the tattoos within a public space to show our message on a larger scale.

Things to consider:

Could ask older people their opinions- SMT - what do they think of tattoo's member of staff?

Get Simon Jones's views and opinions

Ask young people with tattoo's WHY are they so confident they can get jobs regardless of body art

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