Wednesday 15 March 2017

OUGD503: Greenalls - Initial Ideas + Feedback (5)

Ideas generations for responding to the brief. This was a useful way to get all my ideas down on paper. I have found my thought process to be quite messy as there are so many aspects I have identified that need consideration.

<mindmaps of all ideas>

<scans of 3 scene ideas>

Greenalls the brand needs to be at the heart of every decision. Greens are a gin company which make lots of different Gins for many different occasions, so if for an advertising purpose, it may require a different gin featured in every scene. 

Initial Ideas

Photographic and interactive scenes embodying memories

Create a set of scenes which could be used as interactive displays, but mainly be featured as high impact images as an advertising campaign (so would be on the side of bus stops etc). They will embody quintessential British moments’ and the scene itself will communicate the narrative. Very O.T.T, very Bergdorfs, very minimal post-design as the scene will communicate itself. All else which would feature is a simple tagline and the Greenhalls logo in the corner.

The intention of the scenes will all suggest Greenhalls can be enjoyed (or can improve) any situation, when enjoyed responsibly. The tone of voice will air a contemporary softness, warm and welcoming to the viewer, as well as being scenes everybody can relate to in some way. The inspiration for each scene has been whittled down from a list of possibilities, and have been chosen as they embody all aspects of the brand and 'quintessential britishness'. 


'Queens Speech' will be a a traditional christmas scene with a chic modern twist. Nostalgia is present through the implementation of subtle signifiers of 'past years', such as a set table and turkey, the Queens Christmas day speech and presents in anticipation of being opened. Greenhalls gin (probably Original London and Sloe Gin) will be the centre of each scene, with the narrative of the visual communication telling a story that 'Greenhalls and christmas fondness are one' and days are improved by a G&T with your friend somewhere sunny

Looking at the example of a ‘Picknick in the Park’ it will be tricky as i need to source a location shoot it indoors so it could also be incorporated as a video component, walking around the scene allowing audience participation and recognition. It is possible to shoot in photography studio, yet I am worried the rustic 'British' qualities will be lost . It will be equally as intricate and all the iconography would suggest ‘summers day, gin and tonic in hand and a warm british breeze in your hair’. I have a super cute picnic basket at home as well, so will need some artificial grass turfing, cute dinner set and food for all aspects of the photograph, reconstructing a proper Christmas family scene. (Expensive on student budget)

Cocktails & World Gin Day

Create a range of cocktails based on the nations favourite cocktails with a Greenalls twist. This can go towards social media collateral, cocktail books and ePublications, posters/prints, videos and Boomerangs.  As world Gin day is fast approaching in March, it may be a good idea to give Greenalls first mover position, latching these new range of cocktails for the occasion. With this in mind I could re-brand World Gin Day, linking it in identity to Greenalls.

Cocktail giftset

Attractive and fully inclusive of all equipment (and value for money). Comes with little cocktail book and is intended to saturate the gift market.


At this point I was fairly stuck in the decision making process as there are so many aspects which need considering. I tried to organise a crit group and managed to get a few people together discussing work.

  •  Directly appealing to a millennial market is important  as that is who will ultimately carry the brand forward
  • The aspect that Brits love to drink is essential. It was said in the crit "any sign of sunshine and I'm down the pub".
  • Re-branding World Gin Day is a good idea- modern take on traditionalism.
  • Increasing Greenalls's social media presence is essential "when you're in a shop, you either buy a certain brand because its on offer, because you've tried it before and know it, or because you've seen it and it looks cool on social media".
I asked if people find the idea of the Queen and British traditionalist iconography outdated, as this essentially a brief for the modern day?

  • "Sometimes it can make you feel really proud- like the Great British Bake Off, but sometimes you just think STOP- like UKIP."
  • Street parties aren't really a common thing anymore, especially as the police ban them in parts of the country. "By looking at street parties you can revert in time physically by incorporating a photograph, or recreate it in the modern day, which is less plausible". This is a key piece of feedback.
  • I need to avoid imperialistic history connotations- needs to be diverse of everyone.
I also asked Simon Jones for his feedback on what I have discovered about Greenalls so far. He felt that the incorporation of a playful nature and humour was important. He said that appealing to the British sense of humour is key to avoid the traditionalist portrayal of Britishness.

  • We discussed the Jakemans advert victorian style and Hendrix's packaging for gift sets, which Simon felt successfully conveyed an English history. However, I don't want to appropriate Hendrix as they are one of Greenalls leading competitors and have distinguished that identity as their own. Moreover, Greenalls identity is not about the etched style, favouring a flat clean aesthetic.> Is this something they want to move away from in the furture? (I think not.)
  • We mock ourselves and enjoy having a laugh- Family Guy British boxers (sissy and over apologetic but really accepted by the British audience).
  • Incorporating cocktails to British scenearios and references is a good idea- Picnic in the park - plastic cocktail glasses.
  • Re-branding World Gin Day could be not fulfilling the brief- something made for Greenalls.
  • Favour a polished outcome and an explanation of the big idea

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