Thursday 23 March 2017

OUGD503: Greenalls Photoshoot(s) (9)

Re-capping from the test shoot, I decided to hire out the photography studio, echoing the decision decisions and style of M&S photography. The deep, dark eerie tones I wanted to create weren't too difficult to recreate using tactical lighting and the right ISO. Unfortunately,  straight after the shoot I leant my friend my hard drive (where the images were kept), who then dropped and broke it- resulting in all of the images being erased so no proof of this shoot.  This experience has taught me to never lend people things unless I have another back up, and to back up my work straight away to prevent such incidents happening in the future. 

As it was now impossible to get a studio slot before the deadline, I altered my strategy and reshot on a location where natural light was plentiful, featuring a big kitchen window looking out onto a state of social realism. I felt this backdrop (if captured) would suggest the Warrington streets where the brand originally comes from, whilst having props suggesting a family home.

The images came out really well, full of colour and vitality, positioning the iconography towards a more vibrant audience. However, the image quality (compositionally and resolution) is not as good as the previous studio shots. These images will inform social media collateral (and example posters), possibly a cocktail book (bottle knecktag) continuing down the cocktail theme exploring the breadth of the brief.

I edited images going along on Adobe Lightroom, selecting the ones to turn into posters along the way. I wanted to increase the vivid liveliness within the images, making the products seem more desirable in the way Greenalls does, but also incorporating aspects of their colour palette with varying tonal qualities. This gives a slight flexibility away from the deep forrest green, introducing more summertime connotations.

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