Wednesday 29 March 2017

OUGD503: Art From Non Art Competition 01

Responding to the brief

The brief is asking for 'art from non art', meaning incorporating additional pieces to construct something new. There is no restriction to subject content or aestetic, so this brief is a perfect opportunity to expore my creative freedom, with the possibility of being fatured in an exhibition! As Responsive is all about getting our work out their and connecting with the wider industry, I felt this opportunity was essential. I intend to get featured and may even cater my design styles to to increase chances of being selected.

Visual inspiration and research

When exploring 'art from non art', the instant approach I wanted to epxlore would be collage- hand rendered as that is what I am personally enjoying more as a practitioner. I realised that great works/effective works often stem from an interest of comment the artist has to say on the world, something I want to incorporate within my own designs. The mixture of typography with abstract shapes/photography can give connotations to particular aesthetics. The constructivist movement feature many block shapes and uses of abstract imagary and negative space, implying a concept in a contemporary and vivid way.

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