Wednesday 27 April 2016

OUGD406// Speaking From Experience 01

As a response to the brief 'Speaking from Experience', we have to create a piece of information design which is engaging and helpful to first years settling in Leeds. As this can be quite a daunting time, especially if people become homesick, I intend to convey a light hearted tone highlighting the fact that first year is a time to find your feet.

Looking back to Freshers week, the items I collected most of were A4/A5 posters, simply for the ease of grabbing them to decorate your new student halls. With this in mind, I intend to create a poster or flyer to add a calming tone when the years getting tough. My intention through future design is to give a unique quality, standing out from other poster designs to create something a student/young creative would want on their wall.

My brief
"Create a piece of engaging visual communication, conveying that Uni isn't all that bad. I intend to calm students and produce a effective final outcome people would be proud to put on their student room wall".

Research //

Instead of looking on the internet for second hand flyers or inspiring posters, I thought I would address my target audience straight on. To obtain research for this brief, I photographed some of the flyers and posters still around our student halls, alongside individually collected pieces in peoples rooms. I feel that this was the best way to prepare me for addressing freshers, looking directly at what freshers want.

Initial ideas //

After conducting primary research, I decided to pursue the brief in a 2 dimensional way. My flat and I kept hold of almost no tactile publications or business cards, purely for the fact they weren't as ascetically pleasing or informative as the others. With this in mind, I will limit my design to a A4/A4 Poster or Guide Poster, providing a calming tone freshers can enjoy.

- Cooking Advice                                                 - Washing Advice
- How to get on with the flatmate that annoys you
- How to figure out which flatmate is going to annoy you
- Guide to meeting your flatmates home town friends
- What NOT to do during Freshers                      - Best underrated food/drink venues
- Yummiest Cheap eats                                        - What to do when a new flatmate is sad
- "Don't go to Pryzm!"                                         - Actually do all your work
- Blog as you go and book print slots in advance!
- An Art Students guide to life                            - A Student Designer's guide to life
- "If you see these items, buy them immediately..."
- Photobook exploring nice spots around Leeds to relax for free
- Map of the best and cheapest bars in Leeds     - Map of best vintage/charity shops in Leeds
- How to adult at University (doctors appointments etc)
- Best gig venues in Leeds

Initial Sketches //


Idea of a hipster pirate with one leg wandering around Leeds with the caption "C'mon mate, find your feet". Not a very strong idea as it will be hard to illustrate under such tight time constraints alongside people with one leg possibly find it offensive.

Map of Leeds with the best cheap bar spots. I would have to expand the size from A5 or use a 10pt typeface to mark what bar is what.

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