Sunday 10 April 2016

OUGD404// Small Publication 02

Test print for small publication. Still unbound and not properly finished, yet this will help me perfect the finish on the next print.

Contrast needs to be increased throughout, and ideally the cover needs to be hardback. I feel by adding a white hardback cover with type debossed would heighten the sophistication by the removal of colour and ink. For a professional finish I don't want to suggest a throw away perception. By using thicker stocks and quality material, hopefully this will engage the audience further through the print finish and therefore create a emotive connection. 

In scale with Large Publication mock-up. 210x210mm scale chosen to introduce a abstract representation, as general book conventions are rectangular not square. With regards to typeface, I want to maintain a modernist style and therefore use corresponding typefaces. For now I have opted Bebas Neue for its consistent X-Height and rigid structure. I feel this complements the square format, especially when contrast with a subtle italic. Throughout the book I have maintained this theme, suggesting a classic and nostalgic quality.

Showing thickness

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