Monday 24 April 2017

OUGD503: Monotype D&AD Submission

Presentation Boards


Exploring Studio Brief 02 has been my favourite module by miles due to the endless possibilities multiple pairs of hands could create. This brief led me to realise that I do actually have good ideas and some level of skill which can contribute to a functioning team, as well as finding a strength in project management. The benefit of working with three other graphic designers is that everybody understood the technicalities and necessity to develop a concept, and in turn relate that too the brief; rather than working with illustrators who don't follow the same design processes as us. Looking back on the module I would have found it beneficial to collaborate with someone from another course, when considering the development of the brief an animator would have really been favourable. 

The overall aesthetic and stylistic quality is a product of my input, initially through editing and then discussed/appreciated within the group so carried forwards. We worked really well as a group, with no person overshadowing the collaborative process or taking charge. The distribution of work was fair and even, with everybody focusing on playing at their strengths. 

I am extremely proud of the final outcomes for the Monotype brief and feel they have been a success visually in communicating a brand identity and concept for Monotype. The development into looking at tattoo's was never what I initially expected when expressing an interest in the Type Up Culture brief,  and without the discussions with collaborative partners I made, the resolution and concept would never have been more developed. The benefit of splitting workloads and delegating aspects of research gave us our own specialism, not overlapping information with others and therefore wasting time. The brief was conducted to a strict time plan, which Anna and Myself made sure we adhered to so to get the resolution produced and developed before the deadline. In the future I plan to explore working collaboratively across more platforms, and now know from experience the standard of work which can be produced with the right team.

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