Monday 1 February 2016

OUGD406// Album Artwork

Prior to starting the new brief creating album artwork for Secret 7, I created various experimentations of 'The Rolling Stones- Dead Flowers' in preparation, selected from last years entries. 
These explore obvious and ambiguous responses to the title, swell exploring a range of compositional styles.

Taking the 'Dead Flowers' title litterally, I considered the act of death as a whole. The flowers being hung and stripped of their colour suggests the humanic life has/is draining out of them, highlighting death. 'Dear Suzie' breaks up the negative space, swell as addressing the songs muse, as if it was produced all for her.
A tryptic effect representing how many times the chorous is sang. The off yellow parchment-esq background and type writer font is intended to suggests a love note, the antithisis of the song. The type shown is simply the lyrics justified with a full bleed, with Calbri Font acting as a subtle alternative to 'American Typewriter' or like heavy typefaces. The red has been chosen to represent a mixture of passion for the perpetuated message, as well as acting as an alternative colour to death's typical black.

Investigating more ambiguous alternatives, I was drawn to the unconcious act of accidentally killing plants/flowers when walking through a park in big boots. The vivid mix of bright overlay combined with the earthy tones juxtapose the sombre lyrics, suggesting it may contain a song with different content. 

Design Feedback//

The group consensus was the most effective was the Daisy being hung, alongside the repeat pattern as featured above.
Good colour consideration, yet it may look too much like an advertisements for Doc Marten if on its own without text.
Negative space isn't a problem with the 'Dear Suzie' there to intersect it.

Mock Ups of Final Two in setting//

Tutors Advice//

Can do obvious response but make it obvious it is an obvious response
If obvious, must be excellent
Easier to get in the exhibition if it is unique, inspired and ambiguous. 
Incorporate your own style
Avoid third party images and anything copywrited, naturally only original imagery
Dont limit yourself to just working digitally, explore other techniques (Screen/ Monoprint/ Letterpress/ Lomography!)
Explore with textures- no need to vectorize everything
Embrace the wonky/ not quite right drawings and look at the qualities they bring
Most people will do really slick vectored high contrast designs, don't be afraid to use biro and hand drawn rough methods as this will stand out.

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