Saturday 23 January 2016

OUGD405// Final resolution

The final outcomes did not turn out the way I would of liked, mainly due to incorrect stock being chosen. Unfortunately the closest colours of stock in 250 gsm (or anything other than paper), were out of stock. This has highlighted that I need to plan further in advance and manage my time management to avoid this in the future. The only other grey available was 'Dark Grey', which has a brown tint under certain lights- a colour I certainly did not intend to use. 

Comparing the vivities of blues inside the cover slider. The brighter blue on top is evidently more striking, engaging the audience and emphasising the message in a 'modern' manor due to the vividness juxtaposing the flat mass stock. If more copies of the leaflet are produced, I would opt for this blue instead of the Mid Blue selected at Fred Olders.

As it was not possible to get the lettering professionally laser cut (due to not being inducted), I opted for a traditional cutting/ folding method, using a craft knife and bone folder to achieve crisp edges. Naturally, the typeface has not turned out perfectly crisp due to human error, yet if reproduced properly the typeface should be even curvier and less jagged, fulfilling intentions.

As it is important the leaflet is eye-catching from a slight distance, I hung it on the opposite side of the room to see if it was still readable. The brighter blue is definitely more eye catching, yet this highlights that the dark grey does not work from a distance- unless the underlay was perhaps a very light blue to add contrast. This is definitely something I would change in the future.

Another test to see if the lettering was still visible from a distance, I was stood about 1.5 meters away. This suggests that if the leaflets were stacked and placed on a counter, when queuing viewers/parents would be able to engage with the item and hopefully pick up a copy.

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