Friday 19 February 2016

OUDG406// Secret 7" Final Critique

After creating a number of album covers for both Art School, The Jam and Imagine, John Lennon I presented a selection of my favourites to the final critique for feedback. As the Secret 7" requirements also include a 160 character description, covering inspiration and concept, I incorporated possible commentaries for further feedback. The 160 characters includes punctuation and spacing, proving a real challenge.

I asked //
// Do you feel my captions appropriately represent my designs?

The overall result was mixed, proving that the captions definitely need more work to them. With this in mind, before sending off finals I will thesaurus selected words to make the articulation of my concepts sound more professional. 

// With regards to colour and composition, is there any one album cover you think is most effective?

This again was very mixed, however almost everybody had different opinions on the most successful outcome. As nobody voted for the Yellow Rhino sleeve, this has been illuminated as a possible contender for 'final piece development'. Both the green baby sleeve and both Art Schools proved the most popular, yet by adjusting the shape of the spiral/ reducing negative space may strengthen this design. In addition, I will seek further feedback from possible photography students/ higher levels to see wether the contrast on the 'art school bedroom' needs to be increased, as I personally feel a muted contrast perpetuates the surroundings in a more appropriate way.

(half way through the crit I added)
// Can you tell the baby designs are for Imagine by John Lennon?

The majority of the feedback said no, yet this was good as the ambiguity made the pieces more intriguing. Intriguing and ambiguous was my intention so this is a success for me, yet I will continue to look at ways to make this more effective.

Evaluation //

Despite my artwork not making it into the Secret 7 competition, I am still happy with the progress I have made throughout the module. Prior to starting this, I was relatively unsure on the correct use of the creative cloud, with the pen tool being one of my weakest aspects. I feel I have achieved my intentions, creating a random selection of album artwork with some more appropriate than others. This has so far been my favourite brief, allowing me to explore creativity without restrictions, something I definitely want to explore further in the future. I feel I have somewhat met my aims, broadening my creativity and conceptual awareness of design. However, many concepts could have been pushed further and explored in more ways to create even more unique pieces. Perhaps a hand rendered quality digitally manipulated would have lead to further conceptual development, leading to a spot in the show. In the end I submitted all 5 album covers and feel the digital quality may be the weakest factor.

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