Tuesday 2 February 2016

OUGD404 // Planning for a publication

This brief is to create a 10 page double spread booklet, on anything we like! 
As my main interest is Fashion publications, I felt that this was the perfect opportunity to incorporate my own professional and personal interests in one. The idea I was initially most attached to, was a styled photoshoot in various random locations, e.g.: cities, barley fields, the beach and other bizarre locations to create a narrative. 


After creating a mind map laying out the most appropriate ideas on paper, I took this to a group critique between Level 4 and Level 5's to whittle down which is most appropriate. I was/am really keen on using analogue cameras in some way, yet it was raised that this may detract from the clean effect I want to create. 

It was advised that embracing colour is definitely the way to go, as it should make the viewer engage further than if it was slightly muted or pastel-ated.

Avoiding gloss stock is needed to maintain a textural quality, especially if focusing on street style.

When I asked about composition it was agreed that it fully depends on the subject content, yet including negative space to draw the eye in, alongside possible zooms to break up the white may be a good shout- possibly experiment with darker stocks if appropriate for outer edges.

When brainstorming further as a collective over the photographic rights (asking people on the street for their permission), the idea arose to pursue the street style idea yet within Leeds College of Art. Generally, art students are much more accepting and agreeing to photographs for this purpose, as well as often dressing much more creatively, and looking more quirky as a whole.

When  this idea was created it was raised that I could include brief information on the garments, such as where if it was from if new. Alternatively, mark as 'Vintage'.

If similar items are in fashion at the moment, I could also include this in a concluding index, similar to a 'shop the look' article found in typical fashion magazines.

Possibly include a 'Tutors style' section?

For research I can look at fashion bloggers and style enthusiasts Instagram's for compositional inspiration, as well as seeing how they link the style to a place of purchase.

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