Thursday 4 February 2016

OUGD406// Secret 7 Requirements

Professional Practice // Brief for Secret 7

Competition Briefs lead to Awards, Placements, Exposure, Networking, Prize money & Recognition!

Feather wallpaper company, based in Holland. They offer income for good illustrations/ typographic/ pattern design, definitely worth actively approaching!

// Secret 7

7 Tracks from 7 best known musicians, pressed 100 times and printed onto 7" Vinyls and sold for charity at £50 each. People don't know what record they're buying until they have parted for their money, its an opportunity to buy a piece of art worth thousands due to the big names that feature there.

No artist name or song title
Only work to see whats on the front, include bleed
Produce in CMYK
Save as TIF, JPG, PDF
Reduce file as much as possible (max 10 megabites)
Can upload as many as you like
23:59, 2nd March is deadline with upload proof
If design is chosen, keep it a secret
Include design insp. with written mini description (max 140 characters- inc spaces)
Can use a lyric or lyrics if appropriate

//Supported by & Judged by

SONOS Studios
Secret 7's Kevin
Universal Music Group
Possible artists


Be shy of concept
Over complicate things
Feel the need to keep it all digital

Initial Response to Brief //

For Secret 7 my intentions are to explore a range of abstract artworks, developing my ideas as I go. As I have a strong personal interest in the music industry and album artwork, I want to push my creativity to the limit in order to achieve ambiguous and conceptual outcomes. Despite digital submission being the most realistic, I may experiment with traditional methods to achieve a texture if appropriate or simply become more adapted to programs such as Illustrator or Photoshop. My aims are to produce a series of striking album covers, hopefully making it through to the exhibition.
As general Graphic Design is often very justified and for a purpose, the idea of album artwork being ambiguous and random appeals to me greatly, as producing an ascetically pleasing piece is paramount for success building on a solid concept.

I mind mapped out my initial ideas and responses to all Secret 7 tracks, listening to each song a minimum of 3 times. I tried to avoid watching the music video's as it was raised they are another creatives interpretation of the song, therefore not a unique idea. I wanted to explore sub contexts and connotations to the composition of the song, giving each idea a deeper contextual merit.

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