Friday 19 February 2016

OUGD406// Secret 7" 02

// The Jam - Art School

After considering the ideas generation for Art School, I felt the strongest connection to this title without even listening to the song. I am in Art School, therefore subconsciously in my own way I represent this part of Art School. To showcase this, the idea arose to photograph my bedroom in its organic state, not tidied or with objects placed for decoration, showing who a art student really is behind the paint splattered stereotypes.

Heavily edited on Photoshop with the adjustments of Curves and Gradient Maps. I wanted to keep the colours bright and vivid, with a subtle Cyan overlay giving a slightly trippy/three dimensional ascetic. 

Inspired by Photo-art, I dug up an old Action Sampler photograph I had taken last summer for a brief reflecting 'normality'. The concept behind the image was an ordinary lad in his ordinary surroundings, highlighting a very prominent sense of the working class. This piece has been heavily inspired by the stereotypes of art students, suggesting that all our efforts and unseen artwork may someday just spiral into nothing- hence the toilet swirl ascetic.
Another creation for 'Art School' inspired by hip hop and typographic album covers. The hand rendered 'Thinking bout life' suggests that all art students do is 'think about life', which personally I feel is bang on. Without pondering every tiny thing no artwork with a sub-meaning would ever be created, defying the point of art as a everlasting genre. Without a link to a true event, who is the art intended for? I also included the Parental Advisory warning, further linking to the Hip Hop inspiration yet suggesting that Parental Advisory is needed for thinking about life. This undertone is playing on the culture that our thoughts are controlled and our thoughts can kill us, questioning if 'thinking about life' is really a good thing or simply a self-destructive tendency. 

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