Thursday 7 January 2016

OUGD405// Public Safety Leaflet - Flooding

 Due to the recent flooding in Leeds, this topic was chosen as a group project prior to creating our own Public Safety Leaflets. After depicting what information from a list given was most important, my group and I created this small mock up for homeowners to posses. We chose to focus our attention on the safety numbers and all other modes of information, yet maintaining a human quality with 'Stay Calm, Stay Safe, Stay Connected'.

Working in a group, we decided that a way to make our Public Information leaflet stand out more than any other dotted around the household, was to make it not look instantly like a leaflet. By having this joining method, a lighter hearted message is cast despite the serious subject content, due to the resemblance of playing cards. Furthermore, incase there was a flood, this may make them easier to flick through and find information easier, than if all of the information was in a busy layout with little negative space.

This exercise was useful in many ways. It is notable that Bullet Points naturally give a hirachy of information, something to consider when personalising this brief. Furthermore, the tone of voice needs to remain soft but serious, avoiding being patronising. Also, the ability for the publication to 'Say it like it is', but not to scare people is a key aim of mine.

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