Wednesday 20 January 2016

OUGD405// Wayfinding Finals and Feedback

Feedback //

When presenting my research and ideas generation, the first interim Critique raised valid points. It was suggested that I include coloured outlines so it is instantly visible what sign you're meant to be following.

I was really stuck when it came to choosing a symbol to represent Leeds College of Art, and as a group we concluded that the LCA Paintbrush symbol was the most appropriate, and would resinate as an art school within most people. They also suggested I could pursue this without the colour fill, yet I am concerned this may not make it so related to Leeds College of Art? It was also raised I need to create a distinction between between Vernon Street and Blenheim Walk campuses.

Making the composition more minimal so the symbol is the focus was another strong suggestion, yet this was counter argued by the group by saying "how would the audience know what the symbol was 100% without typographic accompaniment?". I will experiment with both to see which is more effective, this could also effect production long term if this was a real project.

The idea to change the Broadcasting Tower logo to the Beckett 'Flower' was raised, as some people may think we're taking them to a specific location.

After receiving feedback it was evident that I needed to change the Leeds Beckett logo from Broadcasting Tower, to the generic flower. It is notable that the flower is composed of illustrated figured intertwining, suggesting a friendly environment and community, adding a subtle quality to the imagery. Furthermore, I tried to keep as much black into the image as possible, adding contrast and reducing pricing. However, to obtain maximum effectiveness, the ideal solution to catch eye, both in light and dark, is to outline each sign in the colour of their establishment.

Leeds University logo and Leeds Beckett logo are kept as black outlines, contrasting with the specialist schools who have an outline encasing another figure, e.g: the circle from LCM encasing the music notes. This should reduce costs as purple is a notoriously pricy colour due to the pigmentation. In addition, University of Leeds maintain a monotone colour scheme throughout their web/logo branding, with the dark green mainly being featured throughout 'On site' way finding, aligning with the idea of having minimal colours and predominantly black featured on the logo itself.

As one sign// 
When composing a generalised piece of signage, I felt best to go off the logo's and colour ways initiated from the individual pieces of way finding. I experimented with a possible low hanging informing the viewer of distance both in miles and in time. The low hanging could be achieved by an extension of the signage material, or possibly even a chain link adding an additional quality to each piece, making it stand out from other signage.
Experimenting with old LCA signage seeing which works better in a full format. After asking peers again, they all said that the walking man was vague, and suggests 4 mins from each place- which obviously is incorrect and therefore pointless. The general census was also to stay to the paintbrush logo as it identified more as an art school to people who may not recognise the significance of 1846.

A more sisinct and informative way of presenting time. As a pedestrian, I generally do not consider milage when planning a journey, I simply think of the time it will take me to get there- the same as many people I have asked. I have also removed the underhand from the sign due to additional costing, alongside it possibly getting ripped off through possible vandalism or extreme weather.

In settings//

As the way finding will predominantly be from student accomodation, I thought it best to showcase the signage as it would be most appropriately featured.

On the Liberty Park building on the right of the exit. This would ideally be moved over the road so when students exit the grounds for the first time, they will know which direction to turn.

An artificial post created to suggest how the signage may look direct from Liberty Park gates

The next main turn to the University district from Liberty Park. 

When exiting Marsden House, predominantly student living for Leeds Beckett and University of Leeds, the first thing they will see is signage pointing to universities, which will then lead them to further signage when required.

When exiting Unite Students which is slightly closer than LP and Marsden House, specific signage is engaged to give pedestrians a more coherent overview of the time it will take them to get wherever. This is also important as Unite Student Accommodation is not restrictive or specialist to one/two universities, yet a high volume of international students stay here meaning a deeper distance insight is crucial.

Signage within the University district

Mock up map of pedestrian routes in Leeds City Centre
When evaluating the success of this Studio Brief, I asked myself and peers in a final critique ‘If you were a neewbie in town, would these signs help you?’. Overall, the response was yes. 

The clear, simplistic colour combinations catch the viewers eye when singular yet may get lost when in the sequencial composition. 
This could be ammended in the future by introducing smaller symbols to be emphasised by the negative space encasing it. In addition, the University of Leeds logo can introduce subtle twists of colour- however I would be concerned that this would detract from the structural form of the clock tower and swaying away from the actual branding of Uni of...

With regards to composition, typography could be considered to a higher degree of analysis, possibly by using a narrower alternative to Helvetica Bold, which is equally as readable and distinctive from a great viewing distance. Furthermore, I would also pay more consideration to the material it would be printed onto, and specific destinations/ positions to increase quality and legibility.

In the future I definatley want to work on my photoshop skills with regards to making an object looks like it belongs there, as my mock ups 100% look like mock ups- defeating the point of them being in setting. Furthermore, if I had more time I would investigate other establishments of possible need (such as City College etc) and even develop a  directional app allowing you to select your accommodation and destination, acting as a personalised google maps.

In conclusion, I feel this project has been successful in its concept and the simple values it possesses, however increased consideration for typeface and material would have aided development further. If amended, I would experiment with simpler compositions and smaller arrow boards, reducing production costs allowing more to be produced and distributed around Leeds.

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