Friday 6 November 2015

OUDGD403// Studio Brief 02- Interim Critique 02

After another week of continuing with the creation of our typefaces around the word IMMENSE, solid concepts and visualisations have started to take form. 
Despite the disappointing turn out of only three people, I feel I have been prompted in the right direction to further develop my Slab Serif idea...

// John, lecturer at LCA has advised to recompose some individual letter forms with the necessity of kerning in mind. He spotted that the shape of my Q would offset the kerning when written in a sentence, especially in relation to the U which is commonly used next to it.

The red asterix* signifies where there is too much negative space. When the other letters are in sequence tightly kerned (as intended), this will stick out like a sore thumb.
When experimenting with 'Q' sentences, it is evident the Q needs to have a descender rather than maintaining a consistent X-Height/ Point of Size. From putting this together I feel experimenting with the width bottom of the 'U' would also give a tighter consistent form.

// In relation to another persons work, John also mentioned how ligatures can be really effective within signage and typeface creation. As the purpose of my typeface is to be used at a large scale, possibly for a poster, masthead or even film cover, I will experiment with ligatures further if time is on my side.

Innovative Serif ligature by Simon Lai, see more at:

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