Wednesday 4 November 2015

OUDG403// Studio Brief 02- Further Typeface Research

After hitting a brick wall with my designs, I reverted to the drawing board and conducted further research (other than the designated 9). 

'Nature', a type sourced from is a bold, block type which connotes video game/ Tetris style iconography. The angular ends and filled in bowls give a robust stance, whilst the X Height is the same throughout the typeface giving a structured boxy perspective.  

A different take on 'immense' due to the soft descenders and feminine flare. The blocky weight distribution and uneven depth within the Q and E push the negative space down to the bottom, a look I think is really effective but maybe not appropriate for my given word. On the other hand, the way parts of each letter form wraps onto themselves reminds me of my cubic A where everything comes off one point. I really want to explore that more as I feel the textural quality and contrast between shades of black give a 3D feel, something which in itself may posses an 'immense' quality.

Reminiscent of the Kill Bill cover, Nagasaki's tight kerning and narrow condensed style allows the skinny negative space within the letterforms line up horizontally, therefore giving a ascetically pleasing and linear look. If I was to attempt something like this it would have to be much wider in width, but may look really effective as from a distance/ glance, only a bold shape will be visible.   

Using only straight lines, no curvature connotes to industrial design and a more robust geometric design. This is inspiring as (the letter 4 especially) is freestanding and not going over the top with bold-ness but still suggests a powerful undertone.
-Artist Unknown

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