Tuesday 3 November 2015

OUDG404 // Grids

As a continuation from yesterdays investigation into grids, I looked at the grid system in newspapers and how this effects their house identity. I explored The Independent, who have creatively redesigned their style in the past few years to connote a bold and 'independent' look on the news, presented in a clear factual manor.

Grid on its own

Overlaid in tracing paper are my visual grids, which appear synonymous throughout the Independent- relating not just to sport but everything in general. This grid works for this particular medium as The Independents philosophy is presenting clear, informed information. This thin linear structure clearly separates topics in a concise manor, whilst being ascetically pleasing and leading the eye to whatever image is on the page. This also effects the design and readability because of the crisp column properties give a 'Flush left' vs 'Justified' appeal within the body of copy, allowing the eye flow easily from line to line without tiring. The headings are bold, simple and crisp making the most of the negative space surrounding it thus segregating each section- possibly to allow the reader to feel like they have accomplished something (as you would feel when starting a new chapter in a book)?.

In conclusion, the use of grids is used effectively within this particular publication, with the grid providing a house style throughout all articles whilst appealing to The Independents re-envisioned ethical identity.

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