Monday 26 October 2015

Typographic Grids

For our upcoming Studio Brief, we have to create a new typeface based on Muler-Brockmans theory of classic and lead typefaces. When exploring the basics of how to undertake the task, I started exploring the use of Grids.
Typographic grids have always confused me. I understand the premise but how to go about constructing the letter literally gives me a migraine. With this in mind I have scoured the internet for the "idiots guide to creating a typeface"- and I was in luck! I found this image which relates to the simple construction of a San-Serif typeface which I intend to modify for my own typeface when the time comes.

I also found the below blogs/ slide shows who presents a narrative of type and clever idea's to help me understand. about the history of the alphabet and how to construct a clean modernist typeface- an area of Graphic Design most interesting to me.

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