Wednesday 21 October 2015

OUDG403 // Studio Brief 01- Logotype (04)

After picking apart the most/ least effective parts of my digital developments, the development process has continued further in an effort to refine a classic style. I have re-adjusted the kerning and made sure the I and L stems link up smoothly. There is still much to be worked on. Tomorrow I will ask everyone and anyone for critique, especially with regards to the questions above.

The next day// 

The first thing I asked was if the Lobster typeface needed to be change.. every person I asked said no as it references the Barber Graphics Trend and the older end of the age group- so I kept it.

 Introducing colour through the use of the the blue star (option 1)...
Seeing wether the army green worked better (option 2), which I feel it did to give a urban connotation highlighting the products. In addition, when I asked around boys (aged 19/20/21) for their opinion, it was a split vote for both colours. From this I intend to pursue the both more intently as the target audience have spoken.
(Option 3)
(Option 4)

  Experimenting with Teal (a mixture of blue and green on CMYK) (option 5), but feel it is neither here or there colour wise. I think I need to pick a definite colour to carry through and stick to it. As the logo needs to be seen in numerous different ways, I experimented with a change of background colour, with the white really standing out- but as this is a purely typographic brief I think having the square as a big componant is differing from the brief too much.
Experimenting with army based colours (option 6)- After asking around further it seems the premise of a clothing store identity is loosing us. The green is too outdoorsy for the store in question, meaning the colours need to be much more subtle. 

After asking some friends how they feel about the simple black and white logo with the simple blue/ green stars, Beth raised a really valid point that when the logo is really far away, the 'established...' and 'Sunderland'  is not readable. At first I thought this was a problem and considered changing the Lobster font to a Serif, but then realised my intention was to include subtle ambiguity. Hopefully, the customers will see 'Officers Club', come closer and then observe the rest. I want the middle to grab their attention, not the periphery. 

Resolving the colours //

I am very aware as a designer that i am NOT the target audience, in any way shape or form. Because of this, I feel I am not the right person to have the final say on what is identifiable with men aged 12-24, when there are men within the age group at disposal. With this in mind, I took my laptop around the room and created a tally of which designs were preferable. One girl who I was talking to about gender stereotypes mentioned that if we used green, the younger boys may pick up on too many army connotations and think that guns/violence and all related aspects are good and admirable- which is NOT the message I am intending to cast. After hearing this I have been totally turned off the idea of green and very happy the consensus favoured blue anyway!

Blue - //// //// ////
Green - ///

Final Resolution //

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