Tuesday 20 October 2015

OUGD404 // How do you read- Colour Theory

Todays task was to investigate traditional colour connotations to literature, after looking at the history of the Penguin book ranges. From this, we have chosen 1 'typical' colour from the genre and 1 new colour. We chose all uncoated colours form the pantone range to reference the early penguin books being anti gloss printed and maintain a historic theme.

Originally black based conveying the dark theme. We changed this to a witchy blue conveying electric storylines and eerie tales with its similarities to lightning and mystics. We also swayed away from our theme of uncoated colours and opted for a metallic to push this meaning further.

Traditionally Western colour's are related to deep mahogany browns through the use of wooden saloons and carts within the narrative. We changed this to a sandy creme to suggest the rough and ready aged paper it may be printed on, and dusty streets where the stories lie.


Chick Lit //
We initially thought of a hot pink replicating the early covers of young women literature and stereotypical 'feminine' colours. We have changed it to a piercing emerald green to connote 'empowering' women and taking Chick Lit away from its stereotypical restraints.

Humour //
From the connotations from yellow smiley faces, to a equally vivid green with a more humorous backstory. We referenced this green to farts and bogeys and a 'captain underpants' immature humour, identifiable with everyone at some point in their life.


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